Our Educators

Our highly trained team of educators and staff are ready guide you through your journey

Meet Our Lecturers

Jane Austen

Teaching Experience

16 years

Education Background

  • Degree in Computer Engineering
  • Masters in Computer Science and Data Science
  • PhD in Database Systems

Neil Gaiman

Teaching Experience

14 years

Education Background

  • Degree in Business Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Masters in Business Analytics
  • Phd in Business Psychology

Robert Tan

Teaching Experience

12 years

Education Background

  • Degree in English Language and Linguistics
  • Masters in English and Education
  • PhD in Education

Toni Morrison

Teaching Experience

10 years

Education Background

  • Degree in Mathematics
  • Masters in Mathematic Education
  • PhD in Mathematics and Computing

Elizabeth Strout

Teaching Experience

8 years

Education Background

  • Degree in Business and Finance
  • Masters in Finance and Accounting
  • PhD in Finance